
postheadericon McGuire Nicholas 386 C 10 Pocket Finishers Apron in Natural Cotton Canvas With Belt

Discount McGuire Nicholas 386 C 10 Pocket Finishers Apron in Natural Cotton Canvas With Belt Online

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McGuire Nicholas 386 C 10 Pocket Finishers Apron in Natural Cotton Canvas With Belt Features

  • Designed for multiple fastener storage
  • Front pocket easily fits most tape measures
  • 2" web belt with quick release buckle for easy fit
  • Fits waist size up to 52"

McGuire Nicholas 386 C 10 Pocket Finishers Apron in Natural Cotton Canvas With Belt Overview

10 Pocket, Canvas Finisher's Apron With 2 Saddle Leather, Hammer Loops, Which Includes A Center Tape Pocket, 2-Inch Web Belt With Quick Release Buckle, Fits Waist Up To 52-Inch.

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