
postheadericon Klein Tools 51829 Aerial Apron, Large

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Best Buy Klein Tools 51829 Aerial Apron, Large Online Shop

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Klein Tools 51829 Aerial Apron, Large Overview

The Klein 51829 Large Orange Vinyl Aerial Apron makes it easy for utility workers, electricians and other tradespeople to conveniently carry tools and equipment from jobsite to jobsite. The apron features ten hand tool pockets, two pouches, hammer loop and two drill bit holders, two leather pockets and swivel snap hook. The 24-Inch long by 23-Inch wide 51829 apron has two pouches that are reinforced with heavy duty rivets. Catalog No. 5144H hooks sold separately. Since 1857, Klein Tools has manufactured the world's finest hand tools.  Today, Klein Tools is the 1 choice among professional tradesmen.  We manufacture more than 3,000 tools and accessories, including pliers, cable and bolt cutters, wire strippers, voice-data-video tools and testers, fish tapes, conduit benders, drill bits, insulated tools, gloves and many other high-quality products. Klein Tools' dedication to quality and innovation continues with products available for professional tradesmen worldwide.

Klein Tools 51829 Aerial Apron, Large Features

  • 10 hand-tool pockets, two pouches, hammer loop, two drill bit holders, two leather pockets and swivel snap hook
  • Two pouches are reinforced with heavy-duty rivets
  • Cat. No. 5144H hooks sold separately

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